Bojack Horseman

 Hi everyone! Do you like to watch series? because I love watching series and I´m sorry I can´t see them like before. 

well, if you are one of the people who like to watch series, you should stay. If not, you are free to stay or not. 

As you realized, today I will tell you about one of the last series that I have seen and that I loved. This serie is Bojack Horseman!!

Bojack Horseman is animated series with a plot based on the insistecialism of the protagonist, in adition, it deals with issues of depression, alcoholism, life contradictions, etc. 

Many times I feel identified with Bojack´s values and anti-values , the way he sees life and black humor.  For emotionally vulneable people like me, the series can shake them deeply in multiple chapters.  I think  it´s a series that requires emotional strength because it reveals some deficiencies that we have as people and things thtat many times we don´t take importance. 

The series and especially the protagonist Bojack has very accurate phrases with which I have laughed for feeling very identified and in turn, I steal his phrases to occupy them in the conversations of everyday life. 

Don´t think that everything is so negative and within the negativity there is a lot of humor, it´s an exquisite reflection of the life of a person in decline like me. 
