Hi everyone!
The truth is that I don't a have favorite series because I´m a bit indicisive and I have many series that I like, but today I will talk about "Daredevil". 
This is a Marvel series based on the story of the masked vigilant called the same as the title of the series who in his normal life is Matt Murdock a blind lawyer from the Hell´s Kitchen neighborhood. 
It has three very exiting seasons and you find it on Netflix. I like "Daredevil" because it is a series that keeps you focused on what is happening. 
At the moment I have been watching the serie "Better call Saul", this is a serie derived from "Breaking Bad". it's just as good and maybe even better. I recommend it to you.
I also recommend watching the serie "Friends" because in these times of pandemic it will help you pass the time with its short and very entertaining chapters.
see you!
